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Working with students and working with adults who impact the lives of students energizes me. I have led full-day diversity conferences, planned and executed multi-day retreats, facilitated countless workshops and professional development opportunities and delivered keynote speeches for public and private schools and organizations. 


My approach is always engaging and interactive. Whether the topic is light or heavy it is important and necessary to embed elements of fun and play. "Talking at" doesn't promote the best way to learn because the best knowledge is shared and in the room (and outside the room) with the aid of activities that get people thinking, moving, and reflecting.


Moments of discomfort are where we learn and grow. I encourage everyone to lean in, make mistakes, listen, and tell their story.




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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

+ how to have difficult conversations across difference

+ how to talk to your kids about race, trauma, and traumatic events

+ how to navigate predominantly white spaces

+ how to pinpoint microaggressions and what to do about them

+ how to establish and maintain inclusive teaching practices

+ how to be better at cross-cultural communication

+ how to create spaces of belonging

+ how to re-brand diversity day

+ how to address implicit bias

+ how to practice and increase cultural competency


Relationships: how to be better for yourself and for others

+ how to identify the season you are in

+ how to set boundaries and maintain them

+ how to trust yourself

+ how to be a bridge and not a barrier

+ how to recognize the transitions in your life

+ how to anchor your responsibility // what's your sankofa

+ how to vent and express yourself effectively

+ see current list of upcoming offerings


Writing, Entrepreneurship + Mentoring 

+ how to self-publish

+ how to meaningfully grow your network

+ how to see yourself as a brand and use social media to your advantage

+ how to find your writing voice, identity and establish a writing practice

+ how to profit from your side hustle 



"Adrian Michael brought the appropriate balance of humor, encouragement, and challenge to each session--and was both inspiring and highly accessible.


My aim for our two days with Adrian Michael was ambitious, and it’s fair to say he over-delivered. I wanted our faculty to leave the training with a deeper sense of purpose, a greater commitment to our collective mission, and a new appreciation for one another. Our two days together offered the perfect balance of deep reflection, constructive discomfort, and team building, and our faculty started the new school year with inspiration and gratitude."


Erin Cook, Dean of Faculty & Academics (former)

The Dunn School


"Students and faculty benefited from hearing and working directly with Adrian Michael Green, he brings approachability, equity, and understanding in a super cool relevant way that brought our entire community together.


Students literally asked if he could stay. His work in classes was so impactful.


Babs Wheelden, Dean of Faculty (former)

Kents Hill School, now at the Brooks School


more upon request.





dakota county, mn, what's your responsibility: purpose , joy and belonging, may 2022, trainer

dakota county, mn, cross-cultural competency + resilience, may 2022, trainer

head-royce school, diversity conference, march. 2022, presenter

people of color conference, social justice summit, dec. 2021, panelist

the boettcher foundation, aug. 2021, difficult conversations, keynote

millennium school, sf, mar. 2021, cross-cultural comm., trainer

millennium school, sf, mar. 2021, parent event, presenter

millennium school, sf, feb. 2021, facilitation training, trainer

millennium school, sf, nov. 2020, parent event, presenter

millennium school, sf, nov. 2020, microaggressions, trainer

love learners with elizabeth earnshaw, sept 2020, presenter

montclair kimberley academy, nj,  sept. 2020, keynote + presenter

millennium school, sf, october 2020, implicit bias, trainer

montclair kimberley academy, nj. april 2020, keynote

mindspark learning, spring 2020 echo cohort, expert panelist

national equity project, cohort five, oakland, fellow 2019-2020

cal berkeley, bowles hall, ca, november 2019, presenter

cate school, ca, may 2019, presenter



too many virtual trainings to list, june thru dec. 2020, trainer

maria carrillo high school, ca, june 2020, trainer

berkeley school of public health, ca, spring 2020, trainer

fullerton college, ca, spring 2020, trainer

buffalo high school, mn, march 2020, trainer

verto education, costa rica, february 2020, trainer

good shepherd episcopal, tx, november 2019, trainer

ignite middle school, tx, november 2019, trainer

dunn school, ca, august 2019, trainer

the science of happiness conference, may 2019, presenter


university of california, berkeley, 2018-2020, adjunct lecturer

the college preparatory school, oakland, fall 2019, guest teacher

colorado academy, denver, 2014-2018, 7th gr. social studies teacher

colorado academy, denver, 2014-2018, director of inclusivity

university of colorado boulder, grad school of education, 2011-2013

    educational foundations, policy and practice (did not finish)* 

sam houston elementary, tulsa, 2009-2010, 2nd grade teacher

teach for america, corps member, tulsa charter 2009-2010

university of colorado boulder, leeds school of business, 2005-2009

    bachelors of science in business administration, systems


*ask me why

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