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A D R I A N  M I C H A E L  G R E E N



lovasté*. my name is adrian michael.

i enjoy helping people find purpose and 

belonging in life, love, and relationships.


as a writer, author, speaker, mentor and wellness educator, creating safe and brave spaces for people to fully be themselves is my mission.


the lover in me honors the lover in you*. xo.


for over a decade, i have traveled (in-person and remotely) to schools and organizations around the world including the boettcher foundation, talkspace, stanford university, university of illinois at urbana-champaign, and albuquerque academy to facilitate conversations and trainings on implicit bias, microaggressions, cultural competency, belonging and purpose learning using love, compassion, and design thinking as a framework.




owner of lovasté™, a holistic health and wellness company, committed to personal and inter-personal development.  as a company and lifestyle brand, lovasté serves as a daily practice and reminder to love one's self and others.​ i created the word lovasté in 2015. it is a mantra and affirmation that translates to mean "the lover in me honors the lover in you."  it is a call to action.

a practice. a pledge.

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